Journal Papers
94. Reproducibility in Automated Chemistry Laboratories using Computer Science Abstractions
R. B. Canty and M. Abolhasani, Nature Synthesis, 2024, Accepted.
93. Autonomous Reaction Pareto-Front Mapping with a Self-driving Catalysis Laboratory
J. A. Bennett, N. Orouji, M. Khan, S. Sadeghi, J. Rodgers, and M. Abolhasani, Nature Chemical Engineering, 2024, 1, 240-250.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
92. Machine-Learning Optimization of 3D-Printed Flow-Reactor Geometry
J. A. Bennett and M. Abolhasani, Nature Chemical Engineering, 2024, 1, 501–503.
91. Performance Metrics to Unleash the Power of Self-Driving Labs in Chemistry and Materials Science
A. A. Volk and M. Abolhasani, Nature Communications, 2024, 15, 1378.​​​​​​​​​​​
90. Robotic Synthesis Decoded Through Phase Diagram Mastery
J. A. Bennett and M. Abolhasani, Nature Synthesis, 2024, 3, 565-567.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
89. Engineering a Sustainable Future: Harnessing Automation, Robotics, and AI with Self-Driving Labs
S. Sadeghi, R. B. Canty, N. Mukhin, J. Xu, F. Delgado-Licona, and M. Abolhasani, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2024, 12(4), 12695–12707.
Highlight: Selected for the cover of the issue.
88. Cationic Ligation Guides Quantum Well Formation in Layered Hybrid Perovskites
K. Darabi, M. Chauhan, B. Guo, J. Wang, D. Seyitliyev, F. Bateni, T. Wang, M. Ghasemi, L. Taussig, N. Woodward, M. Abolhasani, K. Gundogdu, and A. Amassian, Matter,2024, 2 (5), 1411–1423.
Z. S. Campbell, C. Ghareeb, S. Baro, J. Mauthe, G. McColgan, A. Amassian, F. Scholle, R. Ghiladi, M. Abolhasani, and E. Dickey, ACS Applied Engineering Materials,2024, 2 (5), 1411–1423.
86. Digital Pareto-Front Mapping of Homogeneous Catalytic Reactions
N. Orouji, J. A. Bennett, S. Sadeghi, and M. Abolhasani, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2024, 2024,9, 787-794.
85. Smart Dope: A Self-Driving Fluidic Lab for Accelerated Development of Doped Perovskite Quantum Dots
F. Bateni, S. Sadeghi, N. Orouji, J. A. Bennett, V. S. Punati, C. Stark, J. Wang, M. C. Rosko, O. Chen, F. N. Castellano, K. G. Reyes, M. Abolhasani, and M. Abolhasani, Advanced Energy Materials, 2024, 14 (1), 2302303.
Highlight: Selected for the front cover of the issue.
Highlight: Featured in InterestingEngineering,, NC State News, and 20 other news outlets.
S. Sadeghi, F. Bateni, T. Kim, D. Y. Son, J. A. Bennett, N. Orouji, V. S. Punati, C. Stark, T. D. Cerra, R. Awad, F. Delgado-Licona, J. Xu, N. Mukhin, H. Dickerson, K. G. Reyes, and M. Abolhasani, Nanoscale, 2024,16, 580-591.
Highlight: Selected for the front cover of the issue.
83. Turbo Mode for Hydroaminomethylation of Olefins with CO2
J. A. Bennett and M. Abolhasani, Chem Catalysis, 2023, 3 (11), 100816.
82. AlphaFlow: Autonomous Discovery and Optimization of Multi-Step Chemistry Using a Self-Driven Fluidic Lab Guided by Reinforcement Learning
A. A. Volk, R. W. Epps, D. T. Yonemoto, B. S. Masters, F. N. Castellano, K. G. Reyes, and M. Abolhasani, Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 1403.
Highlight: Featured in C&EN,, NC State News, and 20 other news outlets.
81. Continuous Ligand-Free Catalysis Using a Hybrid Polymer Network Support
B. A. Davis, J. Genzer, K. Efimenko, and M. Abolhasani, JACS Au, 2023, 3 (8), 2226–2236.
Highlight: Selected for the cover of the issue.
T. Wang, R. Li, H. Ardekani, L. Serrano-Lujan, J. Wang, M. Ramezani, R. Wilmington, M. Chauhan, R. W. Epps, K. Darabi, B. Guo, D. Sun, M. Abolhasani, K. Gundogdu, and A. Amassian, Matter, 2023, 6 (9), 2963-2986
79. The Rise of Self-Driving Labs in Chemical and Materials Sciences
M. Abolhasani* and E. Kumacheva, Nature Synthesis, 2023, 2, 483–492.
*Corresponding Author
Highlight: Selected for the front cover of the issue.
78. Accelerated Photostability Studies of Colloidal Quantum Dots
H. Morshedian and M. Abolhasani, Solar RRL, 2023, 7 (10), 2201119.
Highlight: Selected for the back cover of the issue.
77. Role of AI in Experimental Materials Science
M. Abolhasani and K. A. Brown, MRS Bulletin, 2023, 48, 134–141.
*Co-Corresponding Author
Highlight: Selected for the front cover of the issue.
76. Accelerated Multi-Stage Synthesis of Indium Phosphide Quantum Dots in Modular Flow Reactors
R. W. Epps, F. D. Licona, H. Yang, T. Kim, A. A. Volk, S. Han, S. Jun, and M. Abolhasani, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2023, 8 (4), 2201845.
Highlight: Selected for the inside back cover of the issue.
F. D, Licona and M. Abolhasani, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2023, 5 (4), 2200331.
Highlight: Selected for the inside front cover of the issue.
74. Intensified Hydrogenation in Flow Using a Poly(β-cyclodextrin) Network-Supported Catalyst
B. A. Davis, J. A. Bennett, J. Genzer, K. Efimenko, and M. Abolhasani, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022, 10 (48), 15987–15998.​
M. Y. S. Ibrahim and M. Abolhasani, Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 2441.
Highlight: Featured in Interesting Engineering, Phys.Org, Science Daily, NC State News, EurekAlert!, and 10 other news outlets.
M. Y. S. Ibrahim, J. A. Bennett, and M. Abolhasani, ChemSusChem, 2022, 15 (14), e202200733.
Highlight: Selected for the front cover of the issue. Featured in Hydrogen Central, AZO CleanTech, The Engineer, Futurity, Morning News, Tech Explore, Science Daily, ScienMAG, Mirage, NC State News, EurekAlert!, ETF Trends, WRAL TechWire, and 30 other news outlets.
M. Y. S. Ibrahim, J. A. Bennett, D. Mason, J. Rodgers, and M. Abolhasani, Journal of Catalysis,
2022, 409, 105-117.
70. Autonomous Chemical Science and Engineering Enabled by Self-Driving Laboratories
J. A. Bennett and M. Abolhasani, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2022, 36, 100831.
69. Flow Synthesis of Single and Mixed Metal Oxides
Z. S. Campbell, S. Baro, Y. Gao, F. Li, and M. Abolhasani, Chemistry-Methods, 2022, 2 (8), e202200007.
Highlight: Selected for the front cover of the issue.
Featured in ChemistryViews.
68. Flow Chemistry: A Sustainable Voyage Through the Chemical Universe en Route to Smart Manufacturing
A. A. Volk, Z. S. Campbell, M. Y. S. Ibrahim, J. A. Bennett, and M. Abolhasani, Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 2022, 13, 45-72.
67. Autonomous Nanocrystal Doping by Self-Driving Fluidic Micro-Processors
F. Bateni, R. W. Epps, K. Antami, R. Dargis, J. A. Bennett, K. G. Reyes, and M. Abolhasani,
Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2022, 4 (5), 2200017.
Highlight: Selected for the inside front cover of the issue. Featured in Futurity, Interesting Engineering, The Science Advisory Board, WRAL Techwire, Phys.Org, Science Daily, NC State News, EurekAlert!, Nanowerk, Control Engineering, AZO Robotics, and 10 other news outlets.
66. CsPbI3 Nanocrystals Go with the Flow: From Formation Mechanism to Continuous Nanomanufacturing
K. Antami, F. Bateni, M. Ramezani, C. E. Hauke, F. N. Castellano, and M. Abolhasani, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32 (6), 2108687.
Highlight: Selected for the Frontispiece.
65. Modern Nanoscience: Convergence of AI, Robotics, and Colloidal Synthesis
R. W. Epps and M. Abolhasani, Applied Physics Reviews, 2021, 8(4), 041316.
64. Universal self-driving laboratory for accelerated discovery of materials and molecules
R. W. Epps, A. A. Volk, M. Y. S. Ibrahim, and M. Abolhasani, Chem, 2021, 7 (10), 2541-2545.
63. Intensified Recovery of Switchable Hydrophilicity Solvents in Flow
S. Han, M. Y. S. Ibrahim, and M. Abolhasani, Chemical Communications, 2021, 57 (86), 11310-11313.
Highlight: Selected for the front cover.
62. A Versatile Compact Parahydrogen Membrane Reactor​
P. TomHon, S. Han, S. Lehmkuhl, S. Appelt, E. Y. Chekmenev, M. Abolhasani, and T. Theis, ChemPhysChem, 2021 (Accepted), Advance Article.
61. Continuous Biphasic Chemical Processes in a Four-Phase Segmented Flow Reactor​
A. A. Volk, R. W. Epps, D. T. Yonemoto, F. N. Castellano, and M. Abolhasani, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 6(8), 1367-1375.
60. Ultrafast Cation Doping of Perovskite Quantum Dots in Flow
F. Bateni*, R. W. Epps*, K. Abdel-Latif, R. Dargis, S. Han, A. A. Volk, M. Ramezani, T. Cai, O. Chen, and M. Abolhasani, Matter, 2021, 4(7), 2429-2447.
* Authors contributed equally.
J. A. Bennett*, B. A. Davis*, M. Ramezani, J. Genzer, K. Efimenko, and M. Abolhasani, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60(26), 9418-9428.
* Authors contributed equally.
Highlight: Part of the I&EC Research special issue for the 2021 Class of Influential Researchers.
58. Autonomous Flow Reactors for Discovery and Invention​
A. A. Volk and M. Abolhasani, Trends in Chemistry, 2021, 3(7), 519-522.
Highlight: Selected for the front cover.
57. Intensified Continuous Extraction of Switchable Hydrophilicity Solvents Triggered by Carbon Dioxide​
S. Han, M. Ramezani, P. Tomhon, K. Abdel-Latif, R. W. Epps, T. Theis, and M. Abolhasani, Green Chemistry, 2021, 23(8), 2900-2906.
Highlight: Selected for the inside front cover.
N. Sitapure, R.W. Epps, M. Abolhasani, and J.S. Kwon, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60 (13), 4930–4941
55. Accelerated AI Development for Autonomous Materials Synthesis in Flow​
R. W. Epps, A. A. Volk, K. G. Reyes, and M. Abolhasani, Chemical Science, 2021, 12 (17), 6025-6036.
Highlight: Selected for the inside front cover.
Featured in CEP, Interested Engineering, The Science Advisory Board, WRAL Techwire, Phys.Org, Science Daily, NC State News, EurekAlert!, Nanowerk, Control Engineering, AZO Robotics, and 10 other news outlets.
54. Continuous Flow Solar Desorption of CO2 from Aqueous Amines
Z. S. Campbell, S. Han, S. Marre, and M. Abolhasani, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(6), 2570–2579.
53. Self-Driven Multi-Step Quantum Dot Synthesis Enabled by Autonomous Robotic Experimentation in Flow
K. Abdel-Latif*, R. W. Epps*, F. Bateni, S. Han, K. G. Reyes, and M. Abolhasani, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2021, 3(2), 2000245.
* Authors contributed equally.
Featured in Advanced Science News, Phys.Org, Science Daily, The Engineer, WRAL Tech Wire, EurekAlert!,
Highlight: Selected for the inside back cover.
N. Sitapure, R.W. Epps, M. Abolhasani, and J.S. Kwon, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 413, 127905.
51. Microfluidic Synthesis of Semiconductor Materials: Towards Accelerated Materials Development in Flow
Z. S. Campbell, F. Bateni, A. A. Volk, K. Abdel-Latif, and M. Abolhasani, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2020, 37(12), 2000256.
50. Facile Synthesis of a Color-Tunable Microcrystal Phosphor for Anti-Counterfeit Applications
C. Shi, X. Shen, Y. Zhu, X. Li, Z. Pang, M. Ge*, and M. Abolhasani*, ACS Omega, 2020, 5(50), 32420–32425.
K. Abdel-Latif*, F. Bateni*, S. Crouse, and M. Abolhasani, Matter, 2020, 3(4), 1053-1086.
* Authors contributed equally.
A. Kirmani, J. M. Luther, M. Abolhasani, and A. Amassian, ACS Energy Letters, 2020, 5(9), 3069–3100.
Highlight: Selected for the front cover.
47. Network-Supported, Metal-Mediated Catalysis: Progress and Perspective
J. A. Bennett*, B. A. Davis*, K. Efimenko, J. Genzer, and M. Abolhasani, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 5(10), 1892-1902.
* Authors contributed equally.
A. A. Volk, R. W. Epps, and M. Abolhasani, Advanced Materials, 2021, 33 (4), 2004495.
45. Accelerating Gas-Liquid Chemical Reactions in Flow
S. Han, M. Kashfipour, M. Ramezani, and M. Abolhasani, Chemical Communications, 2020, 56(73), 10593-10606
K. Raghuvanshi, C. Zhu, M. Ramezani, S. Menegatti, E. E. Santiso, D. Mason, J. Rodgers, M. E. Janka, and M. Abolhasani, ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10 (14), 7535–7542.
43. Facile Synthesis of Anhydrous Microparticles Using Plug-and-Play Microfluidic Reactors
Z. S. Campbell and M. Abolhasani, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2020,5 (7), 1198-1211.
42. Artificial Chemist: An Autonomous Quantum Dot Synthesis Bot
R. W. Epps, M. Bowen, A. A. Volk, K. Abdel-Latif, S. Han, K. G. Reyes, A. Amassian, and M. Abolhasani, Advanced Materials, 2020, 32(30), 202001626.
Featured in C&EN, Interested Engineering, Triangle Business Journal, Unite AI, Futurity, The Engineer, Advanced Science News, Gadget, Phys.Org, Science Daily, The Engineer, WRAL Tech Wire, EurekAlert!, Photonics, Pioneering Minds, NCYT, and Control Engineering,
Highlight: Selected for the inside front cover.
41. An Automated Flow Chemistry Platform to Decouple Mixing and Reaction Times
R. W. Epps, A. A. Volk, K. Abdel-Latif, and M. Abolhasani, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2020,5 (7), 1212-1217.
Highlight: Selected for the cover of the Issue.
40. Multi- Responsive Luminescence Materials: Richer Color Than Chameleon Materials
C. Shi, X. Hou, X. Shen, Y. Zhu, X. Li, Z. Pang, M. Ge*, and M. Abolhasani*, Advanced Optical Materials, 2020, 8 (12), 2000007.
S. Han, K. Raghuvanshi, and M. Abolhasani, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8(8), 3347-3356.
Highlight: Selected for the cover of the Issue.
Featured in C&EN, The Science Advisory Board, Phys.Org, Science Daily, NC State, and EurekAlert!.
Z. S. Campbell, D. Jackson, J. Lustik, A. K. Al-Rashdi, J. A. Bennett, F. Li, and M. Abolhasani, RSC Advances, 2020, 10(14), 8340-8347.
37. Editorial-Inaugural Emerging Investigators Issue of the Journal of Flow Chemistry
M. Abolhasani and JC M. Monbaliu, Journal of Flow Chemistry, 2020, 10(1), 1-11.
M. Ramezani*, M. Kashfipour*, and M. Abolhasani, Journal of Flow Chemistry, 2020, 10(1), 93-101.
* Authors contributed equally.
35. Role of Continuous Flow Processes in Green Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals and Specialty Chemicals
J. A. Bennett*, Z. S. Campbell*, and M. Abolhasani*, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2019, 26, 9-19.
* Authors contributed equally.
C. B. Kerr*, R. W. Epps*, and M. Abolhasani, Lab on a Chip, 2019, 19(12), 2107-2113.
* Authors contributed equally.
K. Abdel-Latif*, R. W. Epps*, C. B. Kerr, C. Papa, F. M. Castellano, and M. Abolhasani, Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29 (23), 1900712.
* Authors contributed equally.
Highlight: Selected as the Frontispiece of the issue.
Featured in C&EN, Create Digital, The Science Times, The Engineer, Phys.Org, Science Daily, Edgy, eeNEWS, NanoMagazine, WRAL Tech Wire, EurekAlert!, Nanowerk, and Control Engineering,
32. Continuous Synthesis of Elastomeric Macroporous Microbeads
J. A. Bennett, Z. S. Campbell, and M. Abolhasani, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 4(2), 254-260.
Highlight: Selected for the back cover of the issue.
31. Continuous Synthesis of Monodisperse Yolk-Shell Titania Microspheres
Z. S. Campbell, M. Parker, J. A. Bennett, S. Yusuf, A. K. Al-Rashdi, J. Lustik, F. Li, and M. Abolhasani*, Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 30 (24), pp 8948–8958
30. Flow Chemistry-Enabled Studies of Rhodium-Catalyzed Hydroformylation Reactions
C. Zhu, K. Raghuvanshi, C. W. Coley, D. Mason, J. Rodgers, M. E. Janka, and M. Abolhasani, Chemical Communications, 2018, 54(62), 8567-8570.
Highlight: Selected for the inside front cover of Chemical Communications.
Featured in CEP Magazine (AIChE), WRAL Tech Wire, NC State News,, EurekAlert!, R&D Magazine, Lab Manager, and AZOM Materials.
Supplementary Video:
29. A Modular Microfluidic Technology for Systematic Studies of Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals
R. W. Epps, K. C. Felton, C. W. Coley, and M. Abolhasani, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2018, e57666.
J. A. Bennett, A. Kristof, V. Vasudevan, J. Genzer, J. Srogl, and M. Abolhasani, AIChE Journal, 2018, 64(8), 3188-3197.
Highlight: Selected as the Editor's Choice and was featured on the front cover of the inaugural Futures issue.
Featured in NC State News,, ChEnected, Manufacturing Ideas to Watch, EurekAlert!, Spectroscopy Now, and The Engineer UK.
Supplementary Video:
Microfluidic synthesis of elastomeric microparticles with tunable size and mechanical properties
M. Alizadehgiashi, A. Khabibullin, Y. Li, E. Prince, M. Abolhasani*, and E. Kumacheva*, Langmuir, 2018, 34 (1), 322–330.
* Co-corresponding author
Highlight: Selected for the front cover of the issue.
M. Abolhasani*, Y. Shen*, Y. Chen, L. Xie, L. Yang, C. W. Coley, M. G. Bawendi, and K. F. Jensen, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56 (51), 16333-16337.
* Authors contributed equally.
R. W. Epps, K. C. Felton, C. W. Coley, and M. Abolhasani, Lab on a Chip, 2017, 17 (23), 4040-4047.
Highlight: Selected for the back cover of the issue.
Lab on a Chip Emerging Investigators Series.
Featured in NC State News,, EurekAlert!, Photonics, and Technology Networks.
Supplementary Videos:
(2) Demo of the Continuous Nano-Manufacturing of perovskite QDs
C. W. Coley, M. Abolhasani, H. Lin, and K. F. Jensen, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56 (33), 9847–9850.
23. Modeling of the Formation Kinetics and Size Distribution Evolution of II-VI Quantum Dots
S. Lazzari, M. Abolhasani, and K. F. Jensen, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 2 (4), 567-576.
Y. Hwang, C. W. Coley, M. Abolhasani, A. Marzinzik, G. Koch, C. Spanka, H. Lehmann, and K. F. Jensen, Chemical Communications, 2017, 53 (49), 6649-6652.
G. Lestari, M. Alizadehgiashi, M. Abolhasani*, and E. Kumacheva*, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5 (5), 4304-4310.
* Co-corresponding author
20. Oscillatory Multiphase Flow Strategy for Chemistry and Biology
M. Abolhasani and K. F. Jensen, Lab on a Chip, 2016, 16 (15), 2775-2784.
19. A Microfluidic Study of Liquid-Liquid Extraction Mediated by Carbon Dioxide
G. Lestari, A. Salari, M. Abolhasani*, and E. Kumacheva*, Lab on a Chip, 2016, 16 (14), 2710-2718.
* Co-corresponding author
18. Multiphase Oscillatory Flow Strategy for in Situ Measurement and Screening of Partition Coefficients
M. Abolhasani, C. W. Coley, and K. F. Jensen, Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87 (21), 11130–11136.
17. Oscillatory Microprocessor for Growth and in Situ Characterization of Semiconductor Nanocrystals
M. Abolhasani, C. W. Coley, L. Xie, O. Chen, M. G. Bawendi, and K. F. Jensen, Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27 (17), 6131–6138.
Highlight: Selected for the virtual issue between ACS Combinatorial Science and Chemistry of Materials: ACS Materials Genomics
16. Oscillatory Three-Phase Flow Reactor for Studies of Bi-Phasic Catalytic Reactions
M. Abolhasani, N. C. Bruno, and K. F. Jensen, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51 (43), 8916-8919.
Highlight: Selected for the cover of the issue.
15. Peclet Number Dependence of Mass Transfer in Microscale Segmented Gas-Liquid Flow
M. Abolhasani, E. Kumacheva, and A. Guenther, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54 (36), 9046–9051.
L. Yang, Y. Shi, M. Abolhasani, and K. F. Jensen, Lab on a Chip, 2015, 15 (15), 3232-3241.
13. An Exploratory Microfluidic Approach to Photopolymerized Polymer-Inorganic Nanocomposite Films
V. Rajendra, H. Therien-Aubin, M. Abolhasani, M. Villalabos, and E. Kumacheva, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2015, 300 (11), 1071-1078.
12. Microfluidic Studies of Carbon Dioxide
M. Abolhasani, A. Guenther, and E. Kumacheva, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53 (31), 7992-8002.
11. Switchable Water (SW): Microfluidic Investigation of CO2-Mediated Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation
M. Abolhasani*, G. Lestari*, D. Bennett, P. Chase, A. Guenther, and E. Kumacheva, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136 (34), 11972–11979.
Highlighted in and WaterOnline.
* Authors contributed equally.
M. Abolhasani, A. Oskooei, A. Klinkova, E. Kumacheva, and A. Guenther, Lab on a Chip, 2014, 14 (13), 2309-2318.
M. Chau, M. Abolhasani, H. Thérien-Aubin, Y. Li, Y. Wang, D. Velasco, E. Tumarkin, A. Ramachandran, and E. Kumacheva, BioMacromolecules, 2014, 15 (7), 2419–2425.
8. Microfluidic Studies of CO2 Sequestration by Frustrated Lewis Pairs
M. Abolhasani*, D. Voicu*, R. Choueiri, G. Lestari, C. Seiler, G. Menard, J. Greener, A. Guenther, D. W. Stephan, and E. Kumacheva, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136 (10), 3875-3880.
* Authors contributed equally.
7. Evaluation of Priming the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve: Pressure Required and Effect of Over-Priming
J. Cheng, M. Abolhasani, L. Beltran, Y. M. Buys, and G. E. Trope, Journal of Glaucoma, 2014, 24 (4), e34-e35.
6. Bubble Gate for in-Plane Flow Control
A. Oskooei, M. Abolhasani, and A. Guenther, Lab on a Chip, 2013, 13 (13), 2519-2527.
Highlight: Selected for the back cover of the issue.
5. Exploring a Direct Injection Method for Microfluidic Generation of Polymer Microgels
Y. Wang, E. Tumarkin, D. Velasco, M. Abolhasani, W. Lau, and E. Kumacheva, Lab on a Chip, 2013, 13 (13), 2547-2553.
4. Cruise Control for Segmented Flow
M. Abolhasani, M. Singh, E. Kumacheva, and A. Guenther, Lab on a Chip, 2012, 12 (22), 4787-4795.
M. Abolhasani, M. Singh, E. Kumacheva, and A. Guenther, Lab on a Chip, 2012, 12 (9), 1611-1618.
2. Development and Applications of a Microfluidic Reactor with Multiple Reconfigurable Probes
J. Greener, E. Tumarkin, M. Debono, C. Kwan, M. Abolhasani, A. Guenther, E. Kumacheva, Analyst, 2012, 137 (2), 444-450.
1. Temperature-Controlled Breathing of Carbon Dioxide Bubbles
E. Tumarkin, Z. Nie, J.I. Park, M. Abolhasani, J. Greener, B. Sherwood-Lollar, A. Guenther, and E. Kumacheva, Lab on a Chip, 2011, 11 (20), 3545-3550.